Sargent 287G05LB26 Office Cylindrical Lock Grade 2 with B Lever and L Rose and ASA Strike and LA Keyway Bright Chrome Finish
Ship via: Can Ship UPS
Ansi Function: F81 - Office
Ansi Function Description: Entry/Office
Baa Qualified: Yes
Backset: 2-3/4" Backset
Bolt Protection: 1/2"
Bore Hole Diameter: 2-1/8"
Country of Origin: Usa
Cylinder Type: Conventional Cylinder
Cylinders Present: Single Cylinder
Design: B Lever and L Rose
Door Thickness: 1-3/8" - 1-3/4"
Dust Box: None
Finish: Bright Chrome
Finish Description: Bright Chrome
Fire Rated: No
Function: 05-Entrance or Office
Function Family: Entrance/Office
Grade: Grade 2
Hand: Not Handed
Keying: Keyed Different
Keys: Cut
Keyway: LA
Latch Backset Dim: 2-3/4"
Latch Bore Diameter: 7/8"
Latch Number: 07-2430
Latch Type: Dead Latch (Guarded)
Lever Knob: Lever
Lever Knob Design: B - Lever
Lever Knob Design Family: Curved Lever
Lever Knob Design Name: B
Limited Warranty: 5 Years
Lock Face Size: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8"
Manufacturer Function: Entrance/Office
Manufacturer Function Description: Operated by deadlocking latch, latch by either lever unless outside lever is locked by push/turn button in inside lever, push button released by key outside or lever inside, turn button must be released manually, key retracts latch when outside lever is locked.
Maximum Door Thickness: 1-3/4"
Minimum Door Thickness: 1-3/4"
Num Of Keys: 2
Num Pins: 6
Projection: 2-1/2"
Rose Escutcheon: Rose
Rose Escutcheon Design: L - Rose
Rose Escutcheon Dimensions: 3-3/8"
Screws: Combination
Series: 7 Series
Strike: ASA Strike
Strike Dimensions: 1-1/4" x 4-7/8"
Strike Height: 4-7/8"
Strike Number: 808
Strike Type: ASA
Strike Width: 1-1/4"
Structure Function: G05
Structure Latch Number: 193762
Structure Outside Finish: US26
Structure Outside Trim: B
Structure Series: 7Line
Structure Strike Number: 808
Subtype: Cylindrical
Type: Mechanical Commercial Locksets